The Pink Lady®, a successful variety developed under the Club formula

The Pink Lady® apple was born in 1973 in Australia, and it was not until 1994 – 1995 that the first trees of this variety were planted in Europe, more precisely in France. In 1997, nursery owners, growers and distributors joined forces to create the Pink Lady® Europe association, and in 1998-1999, Spanish and Italian growers joined the Pink Lady® adventure.

Pink Lady® is the trade name and registered trademark of the Cripps Pink variety, a variety that has been developed under the Club umbrella, which means that it must meet specific quality and packaging standards, is produced and marketed by a limited number of growers and distributors, of which Giropoma is a member, and has to follow specific practices committed to the environment.

The Pink Lady® is an apple that stands out for its bicolor tone between reddish pink and pale green. It has a thin skin and a very aromatic cream-colored flesh, with a crunchy and juicy texture and a medium to large size. In terms of flavor, it combines very balanced sweetness with acidity. Its development is fast, especially with strong thermal differentials between day and night, and its optimum harvest time is November.


It is an ideal apple for eating fresh, making juices and is widely used in salads and to accompany meat and fish.

Giropoma attends the 39th Fruit Day organized by the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, Giropoma attended the 39th Fruit Day, organized annually by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) at Mas Badia in Tallada d’Empordà. A meeting point to address the challenges and responsibilities that fall on farmers and how to produce food, as well as to learn about various tools to move towards a more efficient and sustainable apple production system.

During the technical day, aspects of plant material, varieties, rootstocks, thinning, harvesting, pests and fungicide treatment management, among others, were discussed. In addition, part of the information presented is the result of the INIA projects “VUMOC” PID2019-109686RR-100, the demonstration activity “DEMO FRUITSCAN” and the Operational Groups SKABKILL and PICKBEST (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022).

The session was led by Joaquim Carbó and Jaume Lordan, both experts from IRTA, with a commented presentation on the most interesting apple varieties. Next, Stefano Musacchi, guest expert from Washington State University, spoke about the Geneva series rootstocks in the state of Washington.

Regarding the new tools for flower and fruit thinning, Luis González, expert from IRTA, together with others, Glòria Àvila and Adriana Escudero, spoke about which are the ideal Golden and Gala apples for the consumer and how to get them, as well as several tools to control the bernat marbrejat (Halyomorpha halys) in apple trees, respectively.

To close the day, Jordi Cabrefiga from IRTA, presented several strategies to deal with flecking, alternate and glomerella.

About a hundred people interested in apple growing gathered at this event to continue working on a sustainable and quality apple production.

Golden, one of the most appreciated apples by consumers

According to the Report on Food Consumption in Spain 2022 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), apples are one of the most consumed fresh fruits in Spain, ranking among the five major apple-producing countries in the EU-27. As for Catalan production, most of the total production of table apples is produced in Catalonia, with Lleida and Girona being the main production regions, followed by Tarragona and Barcelona (MAPA, 2023).

As for the Golden, it is one of the most cultivated varieties worldwide, due to its quality characteristics and its ability to adapt to any kind of soil, as well as its good cold storage.

The Golden is a smooth-skinned, greenish-yellow apple with a slight golden hue, round in shape and medium to large in size. Its texture is crunchy, juicy and smooth, and its flesh is white and consistent. It is characterized by a high sugar content and low acid content, and is very aromatic. Its optimum harvest time is in early September, and it can be found throughout the year, since it stands out for its good preservation.


Golden is one of the varieties that Giropoma produces and markets under the umbrella of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, a seal of international recognition, product differentiation, evidence of quality and link to the territory.

It is an ideal apple to eat fresh, to make juices and cakes or to add to salads, and it is also a very good choice for baking.

Fruit Logistica in Berlin, the reference fair of the fruit and vegetable sector and innovation where Giropoma has attended

From 7 to 9 February 2024, Giropoma has participated in the Fruit Logistica Fair in Berlin. For more than 15 years the company has been present at the world event of the fruit and vegetable sector, an ideal space to strengthen relationships with customers, create synergies and business connections and share opinions.

Innovation is the essence of this world leading fair, which annually brings together the fruit and vegetable sector throughout its value chain, from the producer to the point of sale, including the product, machinery, technology, logistics, automation and digitization, among others.

This year’s edition, under the theme “The heartbeat of the Fresh Produce Business“, showcased more innovative products and solutions. Intelligent agricultural machinery and irrigation systems or fruit varieties resistant to common diseases, were some of the innovations that have been highlighted at this year’s fair.

Giropoma, within the stand of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, made available to the attendees corporate information and a sample of the main formats that are marketed. The director, Àlex Creixell, as well as members of the company’s sales team could also be found there. “We have been coming to Fruit Logistica for many years to show our product, with the PGI Poma de Girona, which at the European level has a very important recognition of quality,” shared Creixell.

As for this year’s participation, the figures have been higher than the previous year, since it has been characterized by an increase in exhibition space. This year 2024 has broken a new record with more than 2,770 exhibitors from 94 countries from all continents and more than 66,000 visitors from 145 countries around the world.

This very positive trend in figures shows the increased interest in the sector and high expectations for the next edition, which will take place from February 5 to 7, 2025.

The Giropoma production area, the ideal environment for apple tree growing

Girona is a land of apples. And the fact is that apples have always been deeply rooted in the area, crops that since ancient times have occupied much of the fields of our territory. As a result of this tradition, and with the aim of offering a quality product, Giropoma is part of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Poma de Girona.

The PGI is, according to the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda (DACC), the “name that identifies a product originating from a specific place, region or country, which has a specific quality, reputation or other characteristic that can essentially be attributed to its geographical origin, and of which at least one of its production, processing or preparation stages is carried out in the defined geographical area”.

In 2003, the European Union approved the application to obtain the Poma de Girona PGI seal, which provides greater international recognition, more differentiation of the product, evidence of its quality, strengthens the link between the product and the territory and requires compliance with production and certification standards.

 The environment, soil and climate, key to apple growing

The Giropoma production area is characterized by a great variety of relief, with soils with fluvial materials and good drainage and surrounded by sea and mountains.

In addition, the Mediterranean climate, with mild, cool temperatures and a significant temperature differential between day and night, as well as the humidity and sunshine at the end of summer, allow the fruit to have good coloration and a high sugar content.

Thus, Giropoma apples produced by 29 producers on farms in the Alt and Baix Empordà, surrounded by the Natural Parks of Aiguamolls de l’Emporà and Montgrí, the Medes Islands and Baix Ter, meet the characteristics of the most demanding production standards, such as Integrated Production of Catalonia and GLOBALG.A.P. worldwide.

Innovation, research and visualization, three essential pillars

As mentioned above, Giropoma cultivates following the principles of integrated production, an agricultural production model of high quality food that uses natural methods and means of regulation, respectful of the environment and human health, and that guarantees sustainable agriculture in the long term.

In this sense, innovation has always been part of Giropoma’s DNA. One of the main actions to contribute to this environmental protection is the irrigation system based on soil moisture sensors implemented in the fields. This is a network of sensors distributed throughout the productive area which, through the data extracted and a climate forecast, allow irrigation recommendations to be given to growers, in order to be more efficient and rational, and thus achieve considerable water savings.

Visibility is also one of Giropoma’s work actions. An example of these efforts to make itself known and consolidate the brand as a benchmark in the fruit sector is the participation in fairs and events such as Fruit Attraction held annually in Madrid or Fruit Logistica in Berlin; the collaboration with organizations and projects in the area by providing apples; and the dissemination of recipes to promote the Mediterranean diet, among others.

Fruit Logistica

Giropoma’s goal is to offer healthy and high quality apples, always following the values that define the company: the defense of the territory and the rural environment, respect for the environment, proximity, commitment and commitment to people.

The forecasts are successfully achieved and Giropoma closes the harvest with an apple that stands out for its quality

Last week, Giropoma completed the 2023 harvest, which stands out for the high quality of its apples, good coloration and size, and excellent sugar content. Despite being a year marked by drought, weather conditions have been favorable for the apple producer and marketer, which has successfully achieved the harvest forecasts.

Despite being a campaign marked by the water restrictions declared by the Catalan Water Agency, the correct management of this has allowed excellent fruit and the desired quantity.

This has been possible thanks to the irrigation system based on soil moisture sensors that the company has implemented, a soil monitoring based on probes that measure the volumetric water content in the soil; and the thinning carried out to ensure that the fruits could reach the harvest with the expected quality.

This low water availability caused by the lack of rainfall has minimized the occurrence of fungal diseases and, therefore, apple trees have been less affected by these organisms.

Giropoma makes a positive balance of this year’s harvest, closes the 2023 harvest with satisfaction, but also with concern about the drought situation that is expected to mark 2024, if it does not rain soon.

About Giropoma’s varieties

Giropoma currently markets 8 different varieties of apples. The Gala, Golden, Red Delicious and Granny Smith varieties, which are under the umbrella of the PGI Apple of Girona, the Fuji and the club varieties, the Regalyou marketed under the Candine® brand, the Cripps Pink marketed under the Pink Lady® brand and the Cripps Red marketed under the Joya® brand.

Giropoma attends the 23rd edition of POMATEC 2023, the Technical-Economic Apple Conference

Giropoma has attended the 23rd edition of POMATEC 2023 that took place on November 24, 2023 at the Montgrí Cinema in Torroella de Montgrí. This is the Technical-Economic Day of the Apple, organized annually by AFRUCAT, the City Council of Torroella de Montgrí and the Protected Geographical Indication Apple of Girona. A session aimed at all those interested in the cultivation of apple trees.

The inauguration of the day was led by Jordi Colomí, mayor of Torroella de Montgrí; Montsé Barón, president of Afrucat; and representatives of the Diputació de Girona and the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda (DACC).

Then, one of the responsible of the DACC, spoke about the construction and rehabilitation of housing for farm workers and the plant in Catalonia, exposing their requirements and the regulations applicable to housing, aid and examples of housing of the company Modulaya. Then, Philipe Binard, president of Freshfel, shared with all attendees the update of the European apple crop forecasts for this summer.

After the break, Sara Ruiz, head of the Afrucat Market Surveillance Department, showed an infolinear of the evolution of the selling price of apples in Spain from 2015 to the present. Then began the round table on the marketing of apples in the European Union, moderated by Manel Simon, general director of Afrucat, where several representatives of the French and Italian production, and from different areas of the Spanish State participated.

Finally, Javier Sirvent, Technology Evangelist, spoke about Artificial Intelligence in the company and its use.

A day framed in the 629th Fair of San Andreu de Torroella de Montgrí, one of the oldest in Catalonia, structured as a true multisectoral fair, with numerous complementary events to the commercial, agricultural and livestock show, to reinforce its recreational and cultural style.

Giropoma technicians, producers and sales representatives attended on behalf of the company.

About Afrucat and Giropoma

Afrucat, one of the organizers of the conference, is the Fruit Business Association of Catalonia, whose mission is to defend the viability and future of Catalan fruit companies and the population that depends on them; to promote the exchange of information, technology transfer and agricultural advice; to support innovation, internationalization and territorial differentiation of production; and to promote fruit consumption among society and knowledge of market demands. It works with the vision of promoting Catalan fruit growing towards the leadership of global fruit growing and to become an international reference in fruit markets.

Giropoma is one of the associates of this entity, which provides its members with different services -such as, for example, advice, staff recruitment, etc., monitoring tools and materials -forecasts, indicators, protocols, etc., and dissemination and marketing actions -presence in fairs and conferences, as well as dissemination of campaigns, etc.

Photo: City Council of Torroella de Montgrí

Giropoma starts up a new robotic line for the selection and packaging of its apples

For Giropoma, technology and innovation have always been key elements to remain competitive in the market. In this sense, the company has made a new commitment and has launched a new robotic line for the selection and triage of apples, as well as for their automatic packaging.

Speed is one of the main benefits of this new robotic line, since it has a packing capacity twice as fast as the lines currently available to the apple producer and marketer, and is capable of packing up to 5,000 kilos of fruit per hour.

Technology also plays a key role in terms of benefits, because with this, the machine is able to select and separate apples into three categories: category I, which includes the fruit that goes directly to the packaging robots; category II, which includes fruit that is packaged in bulk, and that has some skin defect; and category III, which collects the fruit that has more serious defects or bruises, and that is destined for the industry to produce juices, compotes and other derivatives. This selection is possible thanks to a set of cameras that analyze 100% of the apple’s surface and, by means of a series of 30 photographs, detect any skin defects or bruises through the dual-sensor technology of each camera. In addition, it also has a second scanner for the detection of internal defects.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning the robotic section of the machine, which, by means of another series of cameras, is capable of facing, orienting and placing each piece inside the cavity or inside the box as smoothly as possible, thus completing the apple selection and packaging process.

Thus, this robotized line has a total of 72 sets of cameras, of different types, which allow the automation of the entire sorting and packaging process thanks to the management of an important computerized equipment that manages the entire procedure.

“Despite this complexity, the machine can be controlled intuitively and easily from its control center, where the entire process can be controlled in real time through a series of screens,” shares Eduard Borrell, Maintenance Manager at Giropoma.

Technology has always been a big bet for Giropoma. Innovation is part of the company’s DNA and, therefore, it is key to mechanize and automate processes as much as possible.

Giropoma collaborates once again this year in the solidarity initiative Gala Pro Baix Ter 2023

For the third consecutive year, Giropoma has collaborated in the organization of the III Gala Pro Baix Ter 2023, together with the Auditorium Theater Espai Ter (Torroella de Montgrí), which took place last Saturday September 30 at its facilities. It is a solidarity initiative that aims to support and raise funds for projects of social interest, as well as contribute to improving the quality of life of people and the landscape of the Baix Ter. This third edition has been dedicated to raise funds for the Associations of Families of Students of the 7 schools of kindergarten and primary education of the Baix Ter.

Each of the schools will use the proceeds to carry out improvement projects in their centers. In the case of AFA Guillem de Montgrí, will label the vegetation of the playground; AFA San Gabriel, will incorporate an awning for sun protection; AFA Portitxol, will invest it in psychomotor material; AFA Puig Redondo, will expand the library material and carry out improvements to the playground; AFA Lo Rejaret, will invest it in the playground project; AFA La Rama, will invest it in the realization of an inclusive playground; and AFA Francesc Cambó, will invest it in the library project.

The celebration began at 5:30 pm with the I Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, an open day where each school proposed various workshops and activities outside the auditorium, and solidarity apples of Giropoma could be purchased.

Giropoma - Imatges web (29)

From 8:00 pm, the gala continued inside with the musical proposal “Women of Rock”. A review of the history of rock from the female side, where we could see how women have had a much more relevant role than the great pop artists. “The Women of Rock” showed us all styles, eras and geographies, from the blues of the 40s to the electronic music of today.


WhatsApp Image 2023-09-30 at 21.55.52


Antoni Roviras, director of the Auditorium Theater Espai Ter, considers that the III Gala Pro Baix Ter has allowed them to reach the whole territory of Baix Ter through the 7 Associations of Families of Students: “It has been a major organizational challenge, but the assessment we make is very positive, since it has demonstrated the usefulness of the event to make improvements that benefit the whole of society”.

In addition, Roviras highlights the complicity in the work with the AFA: “It has been a very important learning, which has made us see the work capacity and mobilization of people in the territory of Baix Ter. From the work of the gala a new event has emerged, the I Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, with the intention of doing it annually and to be a call to strengthen these associations that in a voluntary way work for the improvement of the centers”.

After a first edition in 2021, where the collection was directed to the residences of elderly people, and a second in 2022, where the funds collected were destined to the ADF Montgrí and Puig Segalar, this has been accompanied by very positive results that will be released in full to the Associations of Families of Students of the 7 schools of kindergarten and primary education mentioned above.

Giropoma predicts a good season despite the drought

Since the beginning of the 2023 campaign, with the harvest of the Gala variety, Giropoma has predicted a good apple harvest. According to data from the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Poma de Girona, which groups the apple producing and marketing companies of the province of Girona, a harvest of 88,570 tons is expected, a figure very similar to that of the closing of the 2022 campaign.

Despite being a year marked by high temperatures and low water availability, this campaign is characterized by the high quality of the apples, good size and excellent sugar content.

In the symbolic act of the harvest of the first apple, held on August 10, 2023 and organized annually by the IGP Poma de Girona, Joan Bonany, IRTA expert, commented that drought has been a constant concern of this season, but through efficient irrigation systems and communication with irrigation communities, it has been possible to minimize its effects.

For his part, Jaume Armengol, president of the PGI Poma de Girona, shared that the drop in temperatures at night has allowed the apple to take its color and the relevant sugars.


For Giropoma, the drought has been very present at all times, but it has not been a decisive element in terms of the results of the campaign. Thanks to the irrigation system based on soil moisture sensors that the company has had in place since 2018, which consists of soil monitoring based on probes that measure the volumetric water content in the soil, and the thinning that was carried out to ensure that the fruit could reach harvest with the desired quality, it has been possible to lighten the effects of this situation.

Even so, despite the fact that the Catalan Water Agency declared an emergency for the Fluvià Muga aquifer, with the aim of preventing the 22 municipalities of Alt Empordà that depend on the aquifer from having supply problems, it has not affected apple tree production this season.
