Intense and bright red, this is Red Delicious

Red Delicious is an apple native to the United States, a very popular variety in many markets thanks to its attractive appearance and its adaptability to cultivation in various regions. Its intense, bright red color and size make it a very interesting choice for growers and consumers everywhere.

It is known for its bright red color on almost the entire surface, as well as the large caliber that characterizes it. Its flesh is whitish, juicy, sweet tasting and very aromatic. It is mainly consumed raw and is also used to make fruit salads and salads. It is harvested at the beginning of September and can be found until the end of July.

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It is a variety that adapts easily to various climatic conditions and grows in very well-drained and fertile soils. The location of the company’s producer-partners’ fields, with soils with fluvial materials and good drainage and the Mediterranean climate, allow for unique and high-quality apples.

This is one of the varieties that Giropoma produces and markets under the umbrella of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, together with Gala, Golden and Granny Smith. This is a seal of international recognition, product differentiation, quality assurance and link with the territory.

At Giropoma we work to offer healthy and high-quality apples, always following the values that define us: the defense of the territory and the rural environment, respect for the environment, proximity, commitment and commitment to people. We are committed to local, fresh and seasonal products to encourage a healthier and more sustainable diet.

In addition to Red Delicious, we produce and market 7 other varieties of apples, which you can discover on our website: Golden, Granny Smith, Pink Lady® (Cripps Pink variety), Fuji, Royal Gala, Candine® (Regalyou variety) and Joya® (Cripps Red variety).

Giropoma forecasts a very good harvest

In February 2024, the Government declared the emergency state of drought of the Ter – Llobregat System, when the reserves were below 100 hm³ of its capacity. In May 2024, the level of reserves in the reservoirs recovered to 24.8% with 154 hm³, going from emergency status to exceptional status, with a growing trend due to floods and thawing.

While continuing to be a year marked by drought, Giropoma expects an increase in the harvest compared to the previous year.

This increase is due, in part, to the weather, which has played a crucial role in this year’s harvest. The favorable weather conditions have clustered the blooms, favoring the fruit size and a good cellular multiplication, which will be reflected in good size and shape buds. Despite initial concerns about the drought, it has not been a major constraint to fruit production.

In all, for some time now, Giropoma has been carrying out an efficient water management by using the watering system based on silt humidity sensors, a monitoring of the silt based on probes that measure the volumetric water content in the silt, and depending on this volume, it is known how much water is available.

The rainfalls of the last weeks have allowed an important water reserve and have favored the growth of the plants, arriving at the beginning of the harvest with good expectations.

All this makes it possible that Giropoma expects a very good quality of grapes, in terms of a good fermentation and an excellent content in sugars.

We hope that these positive forecasts will be maintained until the end of the harvest season, thus guaranteeing an abundant and quality production.

About Giropoma’s varieties

Giropoma currently markets 8 different varieties of pomes. The Gala, Golden, Red Delicious and Granny Smith varieties, which are under the PGI Poma de Girona, the Fuji and the club varieties, the Regalyou marketed under the Candine® brand, the Cripps Pink marketed under the Pink Lady® brand and the Cripps Red marketed under the Joya® brand.

All of them are essential to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, as they are highly moisturizing, contain vitamins and minerals, have antioxidant properties, promote the proper functioning of the digestive system thanks to the fiber they contain and help prevent cardiovascular problems and inflammatory diseases.

We hope that these positive forecasts will be maintained until the end of the harvest season, thus guaranteeing an abundant and quality production.