La Gala, a much-loved apple

The Gala variety was first discovered in New Zealand in 1939. Its ability to adapt to climatic conditions and its resistance to disease make it a very attractive option for growers and consumers around the world. It is a highly appreciated summer apple that has captivated the palate of everyone who has tasted it, especially the one from Girona, with ideal characteristics thanks to its proximity to the sea.

The Gala is a red striated apple on a creamy yellow background. It has an attractive skin, rounded shape and white flesh. It is crunchy, sweet and has an acid point that gives it a very good taste balance. Its optimum harvest time is August and it can be found until March.



Its tree is tall, vigorous, vigorous, with a quick entry into production and very resistant to frost. It is Giropoma’s earliest apple and is characterized by a very good response to cold storage, which allows to provide the necessary cold and suitable atmospheric conditions to the apples, to delay their ripening process and to guarantee their quality throughout the year.

This is one of the varieties that Giropoma produces and markets under the umbrella of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, a seal of international recognition, product differentiation, evidence of quality and link with the territory.

It is an ideal apple for fresh consumption and for various culinary applications, such as jams, pies, salads and sauces.

Apples are an essential part of a healthy and balanced diet. They help prevent cardiovascular problems and inflammatory diseases, as well as helping to digest the fats we consume, provide a large amount of fiber that helps the digestive system to function properly, are rich in vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant properties.

Fuji, a crunchy and juicy autumn apple

The Fuji apple is a variety originating from Japan, and since its discovery, it has been gaining popularity to become one of the most produced and consumed apples everywhere thanks to its organoleptic qualities, i.e. properties that can be perceived by the sense organs.

Fuji is a light red apple on a green-yellow background that stands out for its crunchy and juicy texture. These intrinsic characteristics make it very attractive and appetizing. Its dense and aromatic cream-colored flesh and very sweet flavor, taste characteristics that satisfy most people who eat it. It is harvested during the month of October and can be found until the end of June.


Preferably, it is best consumed fresh, but it is also widely used for baking. It is the perfect choice for inclusion in countless culinary creations thanks to its natural sweetness. Its firmness and ability to maintain its shape during cooking make it ideal for baking, as it does not fall apart easily. In addition, its juiciness adds moisture and flavor to baked goods, such as cakes and muffins.

It provides a large amount of fiber that helps the digestive system to function properly. It is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which strengthen the immune system, and is low in calories and saturated fats. A natural and healthy option to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.

A tasty, succulent and very pleasant apple, a pleasure for the palate of many consumers.

Giropoma’s mission is to offer healthy and high-quality apples, always following the values that define our company: the defense of the territory and the rural environment, respect for the environment, proximity, commitment and commitment to people. In addition to Fuji, we produce and market 7 other varieties of apples, which you can discover on our website: Golden, Granny Smith, Pink Lady® (Cripps Pink variety), Red Delicious, Royal Gala, Candine® (Regalyou variety) and Joya® (Cripps Red variety).

Golden, one of the most appreciated apples by consumers

According to the Report on Food Consumption in Spain 2022 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), apples are one of the most consumed fresh fruits in Spain, ranking among the five major apple-producing countries in the EU-27. As for Catalan production, most of the total production of table apples is produced in Catalonia, with Lleida and Girona being the main production regions, followed by Tarragona and Barcelona (MAPA, 2023).

As for the Golden, it is one of the most cultivated varieties worldwide, due to its quality characteristics and its ability to adapt to any kind of soil, as well as its good cold storage.

The Golden is a smooth-skinned, greenish-yellow apple with a slight golden hue, round in shape and medium to large in size. Its texture is crunchy, juicy and smooth, and its flesh is white and consistent. It is characterized by a high sugar content and low acid content, and is very aromatic. Its optimum harvest time is in early September, and it can be found throughout the year, since it stands out for its good preservation.


Golden is one of the varieties that Giropoma produces and markets under the umbrella of the Protected Geographical Indication Poma de Girona, a seal of international recognition, product differentiation, evidence of quality and link to the territory.

It is an ideal apple to eat fresh, to make juices and cakes or to add to salads, and it is also a very good choice for baking.