New filtration station enables Giropoma to reduce water consumption

Recently, Giropoma has made a new bet on technology and has installed a water filtering station in the first stage of the water circuit of the pre-sizing machine. In this first stage, the pallets of apples coming directly from the field are emptied, being this the first washing process that the apples receive.

With the installation of this station, Giropoma manages to eliminate all the soil, mud and organic matter in suspension from the water to keep it at an optimum quality level and, consequently, reduce consumption, since it avoids having to change it daily.


It is a filter, controlled by a web application, which consists of two tanks. A first one where the solids are precipitated, and a second one, which by means of a specific flint filter for the elimination of water turbidity and the retention of solids, filters the water to achieve a turbidity level lower than 1NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity United). In this type of filter, a cyclic backwash has to be applied, which uses a lot of water that until now could not be reused. However, with the technology installed, the apple producing and marketing company has been able to carry out a continuous backwashing of the water, separating this water and conducting it to the beginning of the filtering cycle, making the loss of this water to be zero.

This water filtration keeps the water clean and rigorously improves its disinfection over long periods of time.

Once again, Giropoma has opted for innovation to continue working on the company’s efficiency and sustainability.

Giropoma participates again in the solidarity initiative Gala Pro Baix Ter

For the fourth consecutive year, Giropoma has organized together with the Auditorium Theater Espai Ter (Torroella de Montgrí) the IV Gala Pro Baix Ter 2024, which was held last Sunday, May 26 at its facilities. The solidarity initiative aims to support and raise funds for projects of social interest in the Baix Ter.

In this year’s edition, the funds raised will again be used to carry out improvement projects in the school environments of the 7 nursery and primary schools of Baix Ter.

The kick-off of the Gala coincided with the II Festival of the AFA of Baix Ter, which was held in front of the auditorium with an open day and workshops and outdoor activities. In addition, it was also possible to buy Giropoma‘s solidarity cakes and apples to collaborate with the initiative.

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Then, the celebration continued inside with the show of Dàmaris Gelabert, with her farewell tour after 25 years on stage, accompanied by The Grow Up Singing Band and a group of young dancers. A review of her extensive career and a reunion with fans who have grown up listening and singing her songs, as well as those who have recently begun to enjoy them.

David Casadellà, president of the apple producer and marketer, believes that this initiative is fully in line with Giropoma‘s values. “The values that define us are the defense of the territory and the rural environment and proximity. We are proud to promote projects that contribute to improving the quality of life of people and the landscape of the Baix Ter area”.

After a first edition in 2021, where the collection was directed to the residences of elderly people, a second in 2022, where the funds collected went to the ADF Montgrí and Puig Segalar, and a third in 2023 in which the results obtained were released entirely to the Associations of Families of Pupils of the 7 nursery and primary schools of Baix Ter, this fourth has also been dedicated to the AFA of Baix Ter.