The Quality Policy of Giropoma Costa Brava S.L. is based on all measures adopted in order to market a fruit with the best guarantees and conditions. These conditions could be sanitary or any other kind that could be perceived by the consumer and they are always carried out respecting the environment, industrial hygiene and ethics. We work hard in order to ensure the food safety, legality and authenticity of our commercialised products. With the commitment to continuously the culture of food safety and quality.
The most appropriate commercial channels are used to ensure the partner-producer, the best price that could be obtained depending on the characteristics of the provided fruit, in order to achieve the satisfaction of the clients and the interested counterparts.
Based on the strategic lines described in the context analysis, business objectives have been defined, which have been informed to all levels of the structure. We ensure that working conditions are optimal, by assessing the risks that may occur in the organization processes, eliminating them as much as possible and reducing those evaluated.
The organization bases the Quality Policy on the constant improvement of the management system, following the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as data analysis obtained after the application of the procedures and records of the company. And it is committed to the social responsibility of the company and its worker’s welfare.